Best ways to farm gold in Archeage

Are you looking for the best ways to farm gold in the computer game Archeage? Look no further! This article is here to provide readers with detailed instructions and helpful tips on how to maximize their profits while spending minimal time playing. From gathering materials, completing quests, taking part in PvE and PvP battles, opening chests, and purchasing items from the auction house, this comprehensive guide outlines everything players need to know about farming gold in Archeage. Experienced players will gain an understanding of the game economy and equip themselves with right strategies for success. Newer players can also benefit from reading this article as it covers all aspects of gold farming in Archeage. So let’s get started!

Gathering Materials

Gathering materials is one of the best ways to farm gold in Archeage. Materials can be collected from trees, ore nodes, and animal spawns throughout the world. When you find a material node or spawn, simply click on it to begin harvesting. You can also purchase specific items such as stones, ores, lumber and hides from trading posts at various towns. The amount of gold earned depends on the type of material collected and its rarity. High-tier materials are worth more than low-tier ones, so it’s important to pay attention when gathering materials. Additionally, try to keep an eye out for special materials like gemstones or rare plants which will fetch a higher price when sold at NPC shops or auction houses.

Completing Quests

Completing quests is another great way to farm gold in Archeage. Quests are usually marked with an exclamation point on the minimap and come in various forms such as killing monsters, retrieving items or delivering goods. They are often unlocked upon completion of the game’s main story line or after reaching certain levels. When a quest is completed, players will receive rewards such as gold and experience points. Additionally, some quests offer special items that can be sold for even more profits at auction houses or NPC shops. Keep in mind that certain quests give better rewards than others, so it’s important to pay attention when selecting which ones to complete.

Participating in PvE and PvP Battles

PvE and PvP battles are a great way to earn gold in Archeage. In PvE, the player can battle monsters, complete dungeons, and explore instanced zones. These activities yield rewards such as items, experience points and gold. The more difficult the activity, the better the reward will be. In PvP, players can join large scale battles against other players or engage in smaller skirmishes such as guild wars or arena matches. Winning these battles will give players access to exclusive loot which they can use to craft powerful gear or sell for a profit on the auction house. With enough skill and dedication it is possible to become quite wealthy from participating in PvE and PvP battles. However, it should be noted that there is some risk involved in these activities and it can be easy to lose items or even progress if you are not careful.

Archeage gold chest

Opening Chests

Opening chests is another great way to make gold in Archeage. As players progress through the game, they will come across a variety of chests which can be opened for rewards. These chests can contain various items such as armor, weapons, and recipes. Additionally, these chests may contain special coins which can be used to purchase exclusive items from merchants or exchanged at the Auction House for gold or other rare items. Players should keep an eye out for special events like treasure hunts which may increase their chances of finding rare and powerful loot. Furthermore, it is worth noting that some players have reported receiving incredibly valuable items after opening certain types of chest. Therefore, opening chests is an excellent way to acquire valuable items while also making some extra gold.

Purchasing Items from the Auction House

One of the most efficient ways to farm gold in Archeage is by purchasing items from the Auction House. This is an extremely lucrative system, as players can buy and resell items for a greater profit than their initial investment. To make this process easier, the game has an automated search system that allows users to quickly find desirable items at predetermined prices. In addition, there are several strategies that players can use to maximize profits while minimizing time spent searching for items. For instance, it’s recommended to look for high demand items with limited available supplies; this way, you will be able to purchase them before they run out and sell them at higher prices. Furthermore, some players choose to target specific markets where they know there will be more buying demand. Finally, it’s important to remember that the Auction House is a competitive environment and you will need to stay on top of trends and market changes to stay ahead of the competition.

Maximizing Profits and Minimizing Time Spent Playing

Making gold in Archeage is a great way to progress faster, but it can be challenging for new players. To maximize profits and minimize time spent playing, it’s important to plan ahead and create a strategy that focuses on the most efficient activities. For instance, instead of trying to complete high-level dungeons or grind out PvP battles, try focusing on gathering materials as this will bring in steady income with relatively low risk involved. Additionally, focus on opening chests which can often yield rare items or resources that can be sold at higher prices. Finally, make sure to take advantage of the Auction House by studying market trends and buying the right items when they become available.


Farming gold in Archeage can be a daunting task for new players, but it is also an incredibly rewarding experience. By following the strategies outlined in this guide, readers will be able to maximize their profits while minimizing time spent playing. Gathering materials is one of the most efficient ways to make money and should definitely not be overlooked. Additionally, participating in PvE and PvP battles gives players access to exclusive loot which can be used or sold for a higher price. Opening chests can also yield valuable rewards and even rare items that can be exchanged at the Auction House for large sums of gold. Finally, taking advantage of the Auction House system by studying market trends and buying desirable items when they become available is always a great option as well. With the right strategies and dedication, players can become incredibly wealthy in no time. More tips and guides here!

Joel Barrett is a gaming journalist based in Los Angeles, California. He has over seven years of experience covering the gaming industry and its many facets, from new game releases to trends in the competitive scene. His work has been featured in publications such as The Guardian, Vice Gaming, Kotaku, Polygon and more, giving him an extensive knowledge about what's happening in the world of gaming. Joel also runs his own blog and podcast that focuses on the latest news and developments within the industry - providing fans with thoughtful insight and analysis. When he isn't writing or podcasting away, he can usually be found enjoying all manner of video games - both modern and classic!
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